Whole Parenting Family

really important brain binge

crazy life

It’s been overwhelming. Life. The speed of my children’s growth. My intense desire for sugar (#nosugar30 attempting here). The sewing machine’s clicking and my knitting needles clacking. All the amazing products I’m able to giveaway to you, lovely and gentle readers. Indian takeout for dinner and BabyLoves sleeping in the sling. Crazy.

So here’s my brain binge so you know everything that I know:

1) Mary. Courtney. Mother loving her dying daughter.

Do you know about this beautiful family whose daughter has suffered from a severe epilepsy disorder for her whole life? And now she is slowly going back to God. I can’t type that without crying. I cannot imagine my daughter in hospice care. It’s too much to bear emotionally. But Mary is a staunch mother, believer, and lover of her child.

Their blog is called Passionate Perseverance and it can be found here. Facebook. Instagram. Okay; you’re in the loop now.

Their family has been humbly opening up about how they could use our help not only in prayer, but in medical costs & funerary expenses. Can you give?

And if you want to give in a special way, buy one of my 5 skirts I have in the shoppe right now. ALL of your payment (shipping aside) will go to them. Buy a little girl skirt for Courtney? Link here.


2) Ginny over at Small Things

is kindly running a giveaway of a gift set from my shoppe too! And a coupon code. You can enter the giveaway by clicking through to her site here, or use the coupon code SMALLTHINGS20 for 20% off your order. Thank you in advance for visiting her. She’s so lovely, you’ll stay. And never come back 😉

3) I’m an affiliate

for the Wellness Family Summit that’s happening this week. It starts Monday the 13th! If you are interested in a lllllll about the natural life, this is it. It’s different than the last thing I shared with you which was downloadable (remind me that I’ve got a post about what I’m using from that ultimate bundle of wellness goodness!). This is an actual summit so you can tune in and hear the speakers talking about their topics. The ones I’m pumped for because I follow them in real (internet) life. Free, baby. Just register & watch these ladies & a whole lot more:





You can watch it for free while it’s happening, or order it for later in two versions: the digital or the digital + flash drive. Of course there are lots of free gifts, and of course you’re getting an incredible bargain! I’ll spare you the details, but click over to here if you want to see what’s available for a little cold hard lettuce: Order It.

4) Giveaways.

Some bloggers get into giveaways and it’s a turn off to their readers. They feel like it’s a sell out, or that the blogger is just pushing brands. I really truly hope you don’t feel like that. I’m so excited that I’m able to work with brands I really truly do like and give you their beautiful things for free! Everything is something I know, have contacted or when they contacted me I genuinely like it. I’m not going all commercial on you. I just love free things for you!

The Polarn O. Pyret one is still going on. And Kate Quinn Organics runs this week too! Eeeeeep! Love these things!!

polarn o pyret giveaway

kate quinn organic giveaway


5) Blessed Is She.

Ahh! I love being a part of this project. It’s daily devotionals based on the readings picked out for that day for the Mass. I’m also now the Chief Content Editor–this is sounding an awful lot like my passion with being managing editor in law school of the law review. Clearly I can’t stop editing. Jenna & Cassie are the main ladies and there is a whole slough of amazing women who are writing. So so many. Just go check out the about page so you can follow all of them.

Subscribe to get the reflections everyday in your inbox. So I don’t have to forward them to you.

My latest on choosing to go to the party in Heaven:


And now I’m off to sew sew sew some trial run baby leggings for Grace’s Phoebe (betrothed to BabyLoves? Can we get that signed in a bodily fluid?)



  1. Ana on October 13, 2014 at 1:14 pm

    You are the sweetest, your skirts are beautiful and giving the proceeds to Mary is even more beautiful. I hope I can snag one!

    Love all of this 🙂