when you’re strolling along and everyone wants a drink {review & givingawaying something}
Maybe your children are perfect. Maybe they never complain on walks that they are in a constant state of
1) hunger.
2) thirst.
3) needing to go pootttttttyyyyy.
or possibly even
4) needing to sit in the stroller seat their sibling is sitting in.
Well my little angels like to do all of the above it. All of it. Even wanting to have the baby put in the stroller so I can carry SweetPea. She adores her brother, but also adores getting away from her older brother so she can do something special. And yes, it was 46 degrees out when I took these pictures.
Don’t say the kids are overdressed. One of our constant parenting differences.
The beverages have gotten out of control. They both need their own special water bottles. And then they both want them down in the belly of the stroller because their hands are too full with leaves? gripes? hardened hearts & fists? Whatever it is, they want to relocate their drinks all the flipping time.
And BabyLoves is big. And heavy. And my knee joints aren’t what they were.
Enter Christie and her kiddo collection line. She made this really smart stroller attachment and was kind enough to send me one. It has TWO beverage holders, insulated, naturally, and a magnet sealed compartment in between. iPhone? check. keys? check. SweetPea’s random paraphernalia that she’s tired of clutching and chucking. check.
And slotted pockets on the outside. Because Christie is a mom and knows you gotta grab your phone for a selfie with the kids. Or to pump that motivational waggling (walk-joggling) music. (didn’t Grace have a great list?) Or my knitting. Yes. I travel with my knitting. Because I’m making some kicking blankets for my Whole Parenting Goods etsy shop!!!! And can knit when we go to the park. Kinda. Hazardous? Probably.
Now we can go for a family walk, have our drinks, have their drinks, and not be bending down ALL the time. The one little drink holder was not cutting it. Yes, the coffee cup is full of water. Sorry. I was THIRSTY!!!!! AA was slurping his coffee. There you have it. True confessions.
Also, guess what? The velcro straps mean it fits no problem on my double jogging stroller! This is heavy duty velcro. Heavy duty.
Christie is a friend of a friend and a fellow mama. She’s clever and generous. Two great traits. This is a part of her new product collection so let’s all applaud a momentrepreneur!
She wants to give away not one but TWO of these to lucky winners today! And she’s got a coupon code for 50% off for the week for my readers: WLPARENT. Price goes from $28.97 down to $14.48 with coupon code. Also free shipping with a Prime Membership or free shipping with any $35 Amazon purchase.
Hurry. That code expires midnight on Friday. She sells through Amazon exclusively. Do I sound like a late night TV ad? Hurry! Hurry! I don’t mean to sound hokey–I really like her product and am so glad she’s giving you two for free and an awesome discount on purchases this week. Thank you, Christie!
When you do your Amazon purchase, don’t forget to do a review. Help a momsister out. 😉
I too have a double stroller, and the stroller organizer would be handy. There are baskets under the stroller for storing items, but I’m not sure I want to store my kids drinks there since the stroller stays in our garage. Who knows how dirty it is in there? Plus, getting sippy cups and other mom items out of there without bumping my head on the handle is quite a chore.
Sounds fantastic!! Thanks for the review, Nell!! Since we are borrowing a stroller without the underneath storage area, this would be awesome to win!
I’ve been needing something just like this for our stroller! Looks perfect!
No joke…this is on my “Kiddo Shopping List.” We recently moved from a single BOB to a double BOB and the cup holder/console thingy from our single obviously doesn’t fit our double. What a neat product! Thanks for sharing Nell. 😀
So fun! This cup holder is a great idea.
Love the stroller organizer! Would be super duper nice to have! But those armbands!! LOVE THEM! Definitely going to have to get some for the kiddos. Thinking camping, fireworks….just playing outside in the evening as the days get shorter.
I need to get one of those flashing armbands for all the crazy people who live in our town and go walking/jogging in the pitch black in dark clothing. I’ve been afraid for their lives as I drive along the dark, twisty roads to take my husband to the train station in the morning. Those things could be lifesavers.
I neeeeeeeed that. My million dollar stroller has nary a cup or key holder to be found, and i’m tired of splashing coffee on my unsuspecting young.
Haha, the coffee splashing… I’ve done that so many times. Or the trying to push one-handed whilst sipping, and the stroller careening wildly…
I have something very similar to this and it is amazing.
The foam for our fireplace would be a real bump-saver.
I have one of these too. It is just like Nell describes – great! So many features on this thing are what you wish your stroller had from the manufacturer, but doesn’t. You should totally consider buying one from Amazon especially since Nell has such a great deal to offer with the coupon code.
Ohhh, awesome! Sometimes I walk with the single stroller and wear the baby, and when I do, there is NO cupholder or organizer of any kind (it’s a glorified umbrella), so I have to throw my keys and phone in the basket below, which is NOT convenient to retrieve when baby-wearing ! 🙂
I store my water bottle and keys and phone in the folded sunshade. But when it’s needed, what will I do? There is where this little jewel would come in so so handy!
LOVE the BeSeen armbands. Especially with Halloween right around the corner and the shorter Winter days coming. So smart!!!
Would live one of these! Love the insulated cup holders! Yay!
love how their great organizers and the way its set up my mom is due soons o this would be prefect for her she doesnt even have one yet thanks for the chance
I’m loving the colors that her safety arm bands are offered in! So many to choose from!
I love you can tell these are from someone who’s actually had to juggle children and their paraphernalia 🙂
I’m totally digging the magnetic closure feature. How smart!
I’m also using a stroller organizer (by Dot&Dot) and it works really great and is very convenient to use. We have a Graco Lite stroller which has a small storage bag and no cup holders. It can’t also hold the diaper bag, it’s so heavy the stroller tips. So our stroller organizer is a very big help especially when it can be transferred to another stroller (the straps are adjustable), to the car seat, or it can be used as a small diaper bag during quick errands.