7QTs Horses, Babies, Skirts, No Sugar Circus
It’s been quite a week. I’m an associate board member for the volunteer board that runs the Twin Cities Birth & Baby Expo–and let me tell you I cannot wait for it to happen this Saturday. As in, tomorrow. Although I’m a mere underling (like an understudy but fewer speaking lines), being able to help put on this thousands and thousands of person event for families to come (for free!) and attend over 40 workshops, meet over 100 exhibitors, all baby & birthing related?
AND get a gift bag with swag?? And eat from awesome local food trucks?
Yup. I love it. My mom is kind enough to run my craft table for Whole Parenting Goods while BabyLoves and I trot around helping put out (or start?) fires.
I haven’t slept very much due to trying to quickly make beautiful things for beautiful people, and do my normal crazy life, and do my expo work. Mama may have been crabby lately. Sorry, kids. Remember, though, even that may not define me? *big grin?*
My favorite horse show in the whole wide world is this week/weekend at the Minnesota State Fair grounds–the Harvest Show. It was started in the 70’s by my late beloved trainer, Hans Senn, and others. It brings world class talent to the Twin Cities of horses & horse people. I show jumped for years and years and trained countless hours with my beloved four footed friends.
Shocker: had to give it up when I had kids. But the good news is I can pop by the show and see many of my horsing friends in one place. Love it. So did the kids. A little treat to break up the week of intensity!
Wearing their Joules vests, of course as it was a horse show and Joules is all about the horses. And toting their Lily Jade bag, of course!
Apples. It’s apple season.
My fav? Of course. The one the University of Minnesota, my alma, helped create: the honey crisp. Trust me. It is superior in every way. Eating one a day because . . .
I’m quitting sugar for a month!! #nosugar30. Join me? Sign up for your 30 day challenge on my best friend’s new blog. Way to go, Sarah! Let’s see if I can do this. I really really want to.
I’ve been doing giveaways every Monday for a while now. I love love love you, reader. I love getting free and wonderful things for you! In the middle of the month I’m partnering with Kate Quinn because I love her organic cotton line. But until then, hop over to her and get 70% off selected items til Oct 7!
My friend Sarah is doing a poem a day in October over at her blog Fumbling Toward Grace. I love poetry. Yes, this lawyer was an English major. Aren’t all lawyers failed authors? Well that makes me a failed author AND failed lawyer? But semi-okay stay-at-home-mom? Jury is out–jury being the three underlings I have here in my grip. Subscribe to her blog and receive a beautiful poem from the canon in your inbox!
Today was Wendell Berry. LOVE him.
I’m reading two books to review & giveaway–Teaching in Your Tiara by Rebecca Frech and Pope Awesome and Other Stories by Cari Donaldson. Gosh I love to read. And a real book. Did you know your brain reads different on paper than an e-reader? Article here.
I finished a batch of little girl skirts and then asked SweetPea to model some for me. She is a complete hoarder and instead wanted to run away from me, clutching them all in her hot little hands. Seriously this girl has junk and trinkets all over her room, but best of all on her nightstand, or in a bag. Everything in the world should be in a bag you can clutch and sleep with. So sayeth my wild one!
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!
Your little skirts are adorable! I’m secretly hoping I have a little girl so I can buy one lol.
I did a review and giveaway on Pope Awesome a little while back. It was awesome and made me laugh so hard ๐ Can’t wait to see your review on the other one ๐
If you don’t mind me asking, how are you able to find things to giveaway every Monday?
I love her writing! You know, it’s just the good fortune of being in touch with companies and makers I contacted or who contacted me!
I too prefer an actual book. At the library they keep telling me I can download to my Kindle but I would much rather wait for it to come in so I can turn the pages with my hand and smell the ink.
Because I’m odd.
Because you’re smart. And your brain is working super well. And I do too love the smell and feel of them!!
Nell, you are such a beauty, inside and out. Have a lovely weekend!
Oh, Katy, you’re so sweet!! I hope you have a really relaxing weekend!
No sugar? Make it stop! I don’t know if I can, although I know that I should. I love that photo of you with the babies headed to the horse show. Such a lovely shot.
I’m off to read that article about the differences in e-reading and real book reading. Happy weekend and good luck!
I’m such a sugar addict–probably because I need to consciously eat more healthfully during the day and not just grab easy food!
Did you like that article??
The horses were so splendid!!
You are AMAZING going without sugar for a month. I don’t think I could do it (especially in this time of apples and pumpkins galore).
All things “birth and baby”? Sounds like a great way to spend a Saturday! ๐ Wish I lived closer so I could join you!
You could you can!!!
I wish you lived closer too!
Honeycrisp is THE best apple, I’m totally with you. And feel kind of awkwardly passionate about the subject… They’re always more expensive than the other types around here, so I buy them for myself, hide them, and make the kids eat whatever’s cheapest. Mom of the year, right here.
Oh it is SO the best. hahahahah I too eat the honey crisp and give my kids the gala–is that terrible??? Or the braeburn. Cheap. Mean.