Whole Parenting Family

Greasy Hair Help

greasy hair help whole parenting

Oh, no, I wasn’t offering any. I was asking for help with my greasy hair.

Often times I don’t have time to wash my hair. I have loads and yards of it and when I’m taking a bath at midnight {ME TIME!} or with the kids {THEM TIME!} I don’t want to stick my head awkwardly under the faucet and wash. So it can go a week+ and look pretty grease ball.

Or maybe it’s okay? Humor me. No. Don’t. It’s greasy. Looking.

My girlfriend Natalia over at Ma Nouvelle Mode has a youtube channel with hair help. She’s very very helpful!! And Katie at Wellness Mama has homemade natural shampoo, too.

If you have darker hair, I think you can pull of the no shampoo forever and it doesn’t look greasy look. My sister Molly has! She alleges her husband didn’t even notice she hadn’t shampooed. Aron, is this true?

But back to me and my make believe blonde–I mean reminding my hair follicles of the color God wanted them.

What do I do with greasy hair when I have to go to a party (above pictured), or church (imagine this ^^ dress with a shrug), or a date ^^. ?? Do you like the kids’ bath toys in the background? Me too.

Help a girlfriend out. That’s me.



  1. Erin on September 22, 2014 at 8:47 am

    Fellow blonde here- well, dark blonde with highlights when I get to it, every 3-7 months or so- cornstarch. I dip a fluffy makeup brush in it and pat it all along my hairline and into my part. I let it soak in while I’m washing my face or doing makeup or whatever, then I just brush it in or rake my fingers through. Whole foods also sells a bunch of fancy dry shampoos I’d be willing to try, but they are just glorified cornstarch/ arrowroot powder 🙂

    • Natural Mama Nell on September 22, 2014 at 9:35 pm

      Cornstarch. It could be solved so easily. YES!!!!!!!!

  2. Jessica on September 22, 2014 at 8:53 am

    I’m kind of new to not washing my hair on the daily, and over the last 10 months I have gone from washing every other day, to three or four days depending on how it’s looking. I have dandruff (anyone else suffer from post-partum dandruff? Or breastfeeding dandruff?), which makes it a little trickier to go a longer period of time without washing. But, I try, and if I’m looking a little greasy I use cocoa powder. Cocoa powder might show on your light hair, so maybe try cinnamon or cornstarch/arrowroot powder?

    • Natural Mama Nell on September 22, 2014 at 9:36 pm

      Dandruff. Hate it!!! Not too bad for me this go ’round. Cocoa powder. Do you just love the way your luscious locks smell? Do you want to go find cake all day long?? Awesome suggestions. Thank you!

  3. Meg on September 22, 2014 at 9:04 am

    I’m struggling with the desire to shampoo less often but also avoid the obvious greasies. My hair is very dark, by the way, and certainly looks greasy when it is. It’s taken two years to get to the the point I’m currently at, shampooing every other day (sometimes every third day on the weekends). I started switching from normal shampoo to natural shampoo, wherein I learned that not only was “normal” shampoo causing breakouts and had been for years, but I was actively allergic to the natural brand I chose. I tried Nature’s Gate shampoo and conditioner (herbal scent) after that and haven’t gone back. About a year after that, I started using a natural dry shampoo between washes. I make it with equal parts cornstarch, arrowroot starch, baking soda, and cocoa powder (for my dark hair, but it’s not necessary.) Keep it in a dollar store salt shaker and apply as necessary. I’ve found it’s even better to apply a bit BEFORE you really start to feel greasy to kind of preemptively de-grease.

    I’d love to go even longer between washes, but I’m not sure that I’ll ever be able to avoid every-other day showers where I wet and dry my hair. My hair simply does not look good if I don’t fluff it back up regularly. It looks flat and limp and lifeless if I continue to sleep on it and brush it without rinsing and letting my hair’s natural body take over. Actually, I only recently bought a brush again, after going without for the last 3 years.

    I hope you love that dry shampoo recipe. It’s completely revolutionary. You can put a little essential oil in it to make it smell nice. I usually don’t bother because I use cocoa in mine, but sometimes I throw in a little bit of cinnamon.

    • Natural Mama Nell on September 22, 2014 at 9:38 pm

      I have to confess that for as natural as I firmly am, the natural shampoo doesn’t keep my chemically colored blonde hair blonde. So either I stop coloring (I don’t care that much but my sweet never-demand anything husband really *likes* me this blonde), or keep coloring and using the chemical shampoo up to keep the color up so I have to color less frequently. Maybe if/when I stop coloring I can do this. I LOVE your method and LOVE this recipe!! Now for the follow up question: what kind of brush??

      • Meg on September 23, 2014 at 7:58 am

        I bought two, of course, because I wasn’t sure which would work better for my current between-the-chin-and-shoulders bob. One standard paddle brush that I used to use when my hair was long and I blowdried it straight and one big round brush that seems to be working now.

        I have the added wrinkle of hair that goes curly/wavy to straight and back again every 5 years or so, so I’m never sure when to rest on my laurels! It must have something to do with hormones or resting and active states of hair follicles or something…

        • Natural Mama Nell on September 23, 2014 at 8:02 am

          NICE! I hate my plastic paddle brush. I feel like I need to invest in something more . . . natural?? Hormones are a bee och on our hair!

  4. carolyn on September 22, 2014 at 9:41 am

    Gurlfran, two words: dry shampoo. I wash my hair once a week (twice if I’m lucky). Dry shampoo gives my roots volume, rids that oily look and feel, and aids in texture which I find essential for a fun updo.
    I’ve found DIY dry shampoo recipes on pinterest, which only require cornstarch, arrowroot powder, and an essential oil of your choice. Lucky for your blondeness, you can easily deal with white powder.
    I’ve never tried a recipe myself because I’m shamelessly addicted to Kenra’s dry shampoo, chemicals and all– I mean it smells like CANDY. For me and my near black hair, it’s quite easy to get that white powdery stuff to seep up all the oils, and I’m back in da game.
    It’s gotten me to Mass (albeit STILL LATE) many a Sunday.

    • Natural Mama Nell on September 22, 2014 at 9:39 pm

      OOOH does this work?? I’ve seen it and never really tried it. I love that you love the smell of candy in your mother loving hair. HAHAHA that’s awesome. Yes, you see I genuinely look terrible often at mass, parties, whatever, because I do not have an hour+ to wash & blow-dry my acres of hair. And I’m not ready to throw in the towel and get a mom-‘do (the short soccer mom look).

  5. Amanda on September 22, 2014 at 11:57 am

    I second the dry shampoo plan. And when that can’t help, I’m all about the topknot.

    • Natural Mama Nell on September 22, 2014 at 9:40 pm

      Cannot go wrong with topknot!! Except when your greasy hair is matted down in front. Dammmmmmit.

  6. Bonnie on September 22, 2014 at 1:13 pm

    I only wash ALL of my hair about once, maybe twice a week. The top of my head, especially the bangs and sometimes the temples, gets shampooed every single day. I shower almost every day so usually I just wash the top when I’m washing my face, though with different products. And sometimes I just wash my bangs in the sink and then arrange them in a poof with a top knot bun so you can’t see the grease.

    • Natural Mama Nell on September 22, 2014 at 9:40 pm

      Sheer genius!!! Poofing is key!!!

  7. Maria on September 22, 2014 at 4:49 pm

    I only wash one or twice a week and use homemade dry shampoo in between. I use arrowroot and baking soda mixed together and put into a parmesan cheese shaker from Target. I have medium brown hair, but can easily rub the light colored dry shampoo into my scalp without it turning white or being noticeable. Some days (like today), a simple braid down the side of my head helps to hide the greasiness. Also, I find the when my hair is curly I can go longer between shampoos versus when I used to straighten my hair on the regular.

    • Natural Mama Nell on September 22, 2014 at 9:41 pm

      great idea with the cheese shaker that has big holes! ooooo this is really helpful!

  8. Jen on September 22, 2014 at 8:27 pm

    I feel your pain but your hair doesn’t look too bad in the picture 🙂 Didn’t you know that’s the new style anyways?
    My hair doesn’t let me go more than 2 days, maybe 3, before it turns a few shades darker and I have to wash it. What I’ve changed to is using tea tree shampoo and a coconut shampoo and rotate every time I wash. I also don’t use any conditioner. The only ‘conditioner’ I use is this rosemary apple cider vinegar spray that I make. Just spray it on before drying your hair, rub it in and dry your hair. It even does amazing things for even the most knotted hair. I have it in my Etsy shop if you are interested or I’ll be sharing the recipe soon too if you want to make it 🙂

    • Natural Mama Nell on September 22, 2014 at 9:41 pm

      dirty & ombre: so going to my advantage right now. Oh yummmy–we have to do an etsy shop interview and tell the world about your fabulous products!!

  9. Nicole on September 22, 2014 at 8:46 pm

    I hear you. I have very very thin hair and it shows grease after a day or two of no shampooing. I tried no-poo and it was disastrous (e.g. both greasy AND dandruff! UGH). So I tried Wellness Mama’s coconut milk shampoo…still really bad. Now I’ve just gone back to shampooing every other day with a natural shampoo. I use Wellness Mama’s dry shampoo recipe in between or if it looks really bad. If I have time to blow dry (i.e. once in a blue moon), then it seems to do better.

    • Natural Mama Nell on September 22, 2014 at 9:42 pm

      Oh YIKES!! Don’t you love when you go out on a limb and everyone can tell you went out on a limb? This sounds like a good routine!

  10. […] Greasy Hair Help […]

  11. Rach on September 24, 2014 at 10:02 am

    I think dry shampoo is a lifesaver. I love the aerosol kinds over the powder kinds because I feel like I can really load it in there and it won’t look like dandruff. Really, I can extend my hair a day or two without feeling like it looks greasy. My whole apartment is full of anti-showerers (we have no children and have the time, we just feel like taking a shower is a waste of time) and we ALL swear by it. But, I haven’t found any shampoos that actually make my hair last longer in between showers. In fact, many that claim they will make my hair greasy twice as fast. In all honesty, the Daily Clarifying Shampoo from Suave is the best I have found for extending time between showers.