madness and finding me in other places
No, I’ve not yet started bilocating though I wish I could. Every time I go to nurse the le bebe down for his nap, the big kids are supposed to play nicely in their rooms, with each other, or by themselves, just not screaming.
You guessed it. They scream. She screams, and he cries. It’s really quite a chorus. BabyLoves wakes up, and we’re back to square 2.
So because my brain is stretched so far in three crazy directions, I can only direct you to two others places to find me on the internet today:
Blessed Is She: really great new daily devotional site that I’m a contributor to. I wrote on success today based on the readings of the day from Mass. It’s a struggle for me to feel successful about my day–unless you count no one going to the ER and most people eating and napping. I crave affirmation! I want to feel a big pat on the back that’s not my kid swinging his wooden bat at me! But those feelings aren’t really the point, are they?
Excerpt from the original {because I’m fancy}.
We have the opportunity to seek God, truth, beauty, goodness as our final destination. Not that we shouldn’t enjoy success, but it’s a means to an end, not the end itself.
Jesus is calling us for something beyond what we are comfortable with. Jesus asks us to leave our habits, our ways we know, and reach for something that is beyond the day-to-day grumblings and work. We do not have to abandon our careers or families to follow Him. Quite the contrary.
And over at Small Things with Love, sharing an older post about our “desired number of children.”
Fertility and family size are two of the most private conversations topics out there. Maybe throw in food privilege and abortion rights, and there you have it: the full spectrum of awkwardness. In my mind, the reason fertility & family size are so sensitive to discuss is because the conversation is replete with assumptions.
You spaced your kids because they’re 2.5 years apart, right? Maybe it’s because they have trouble getting pregnant, and these kids are IVF, or unexpected gifts.
So go read these sites and follow them. The Blessed is She project you can subscribe to and get the readings for the day + devotions. Nancy at Small Things with Love always has beautiful crafting ideas and good parenting ponderances. Enjoy your day!
Loved these! As a working mom, there’s a constant need to feel successful at work to make it feel like its worth it (at least for me!). Its a good reminder that my success in the Lord is all that matters!
And I have to ask since you mentioned hanging out with other lawyers, what are your thoughts on going back to work at some point in the future? (hate the working mom discussion, but discernment is hard and I don’t know what I’m doing)
It’s a hard thing to believe, but oh-so-true!!
I don’t see myself going back to practice at this point, when my kiddos are young (and we hope/plan to have more), so although I still have my license it’s not active. And even when my kids are older, they’ll still need me (maybe more?) around so if we can swing it financially, I’ll be home with them. I wrote another post on figuring out staying home/working. https://wholeparentingfamily.com/2014/03/26/stay-home-mom/
Loved your devotion today! Headed over to read your open to life post. 🙂