SweetPea’s Needs
She’s the world’s most opinionated 2.4 your old I’ve ever met. She has very definite needs. And shares without equivocation.
“Mama, where is Cloe and Darling and Thumper . . . oh, Thumper is at church with Jesus. My dollies need to come with me and nurse. And I’ll tuck them in. They will love me.”
“Can you HOLD ME?” Arms up stretched. “NOW?” x 100/day.
“I NEED you. I need you to take my hand and walk me to my room. Then you can sit in the rocker with the baby and sing to me while I play in my bed.”
Her bed. Her favorite place on earth. It’s just an Ikea cheapie crib that now has one side down & a little plank up. Does that qualify it as a converter bed? Converter crib? Toddler bed? Whatever. It’s her big girl bed and that’s all that matters to her. She must have at least three swaddle blankets, five stuffed animals/dolls, and two pacifiers. One for her and one for one of her babies. This is coming from a girl who never wanted a pacifier as a baby herself. Me thinks she’s teething those back molars in.
And don’t forget her night stand. A little second hand mini drawers covered with one of my blankets I made for her. It houses her water, her assortment of chokable hazards, and her hair accessories that she refuses to wear, and simply admires.
“Holy God we pwaaaaise thy name . . . DON’T TOUCH MY TOY, BOY.”
“Dada, when you’re done with your coffee, can I have some?”
“This is my phone. I’m going to talk on the phone with Dada and then my friends on the inder-net.”
“Mama, let’s have giiiiiiiirl time. I’m going to poke my eye out and it will be all fun and games.”
Somethings are lost in the translation.
So cute – my 2 year old is also Sweet Pea on my blog 🙂
Love that!!
I love that, Annery!
I think her and Bernadette would get along well…
They need to have some girl time with all these boys in their lives!!
Funny thing is I think I see a little bit of my kidself in Sweet Pea. That grocery cart in the top picture looks a lot like the one I had as a kid.
Yes–it’s totally from our childhood! And very very mangled. I love that you can identify with her dynamism!
Oh man, life is going to get crazy once my 19 month old starts really talking. It’s so fun to hear all the things they are thinking!
Kathy–it will be WILD! The thoughts come pouring out!
Haha, I think I see my youngest in your SweetPea. Part of me can’t wait till he starts talking more and the other part of me is terrified for what his daily demands will be lol (he is quite the demander). I called my first born Sweet P (P for our last name all throughout pregnancy because we don’t find out the sex till born) so the name has a sweet place in my heart. 🙂
It’s terrifyingly adorable. I love that you call him Sweet P. I keep looking at our three month old thinking “what are you going to be saying in just a few short years??”
[…] His sister’s already shaping up to be a completely different person (shocker!) with acute needs of her own. I share not because I’m an expert but because maybe your child is similarly […]