Elderberry Syrup Brooklyn Herborium Recipe
Have you been sick off & on all spring? And now into summer time / disease time with the “crud”? That nasty harping respiratory thing. Here’s your solution, compliments of my sweet sister Molly whose company Brooklyn Herborium is just marvelous. Can one ever rave about one’s wonderful family enough? One cannot.
After having a serious infection that landed me BACK in the maternity ward at the hospital we just birthed at, two weeks later, the entire family is now slewn (slayed?) with a cold. A nasty one. Looks like I’m going to be making some of this!
Follow her instructions:
6 quarts of water
Dried Ginger (or ginger powder)
Combine in a large pot, cover, and bring to a boil. Take care not to over boil as it can damage plant material. Lower heat, uncover and simmer for about 3 hours.
For a Daily Elixir: Reduce by 1/2 and strain
For Medicinal Strength: Reduce by 1/4 and strain
Remove from heat (We don’t want to cook the honey) and add Honey (4-8 oz depending upon how sweet you want it to be).
Take Elderberry Syrup in small doses between meals. When feeling the start of a cold, take a shot glass at a time as needed. Combines wonderfully with Lemon & Ginger Tea and Garlic Honey to bolster the immune system and avoid contracting the cold!