Currently . . . {linkup}
Hey there and welcome to Currently, where we talk about what we are Currently up to and also let you share your own through the link-up below. We’d love for you to join us and add a link to your own Currently post! It’s a great way to make new friends and build community.
Thinking about:
I’m at the end of my third pregnancy and I’m contemplating how different my life is with children–things like not worrying or caring about shopping for cute clothing {for me, that is}, staying current on great bands, or even seeing feature films. My brother called me the other night from a Red Box movie rental spot and was quizzing me on what he should rent for date night with his wife. I hadn’t seen a single one of the films he listed! Maybe I had heard of them??
Parenting means you can step across the threshold into this different world, and then live in that bubble. Staying at home for me means the bubble stays even smaller. Thinking about what I want to still access from outside the bubble (movies? certainly music!) and what I can just let go of (fashion?! I went through my pre-baby dress wardrobe a while back–so many unworn lovelies!).
Despite being an English major and an avid, even voracious, reader my whole life, lately I’ve either been reading journalistic accounts of sociological studies, self-help books, homeschooling curriculums, or cook books. The classics are dusty around here.
I did just finish recently “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg. Highly recommend it if you’re feeling introspective or interested in how/why you have your habits and how you can reshape them.
And this morning I re-read for the 5th time “The Big Book of Birth” by Erica Lyon. She’s a midwife who presents a very well-balanced approach to birth & labor, laying out what to expect from different approaches and a roadmap of how labor can unfold in a myriad of ways. It’s like my warm-up music before a track meet, but this track meet being my interminable pregnancy 🙂
Listening to:
Radiohead. In particular, Karma Police.
Scythian. In particular, their new album and this sweet song: Go, Lovely Rose.
Mason Jennings. Ballad for My One True Love.
Indigo Girls (my first concert, pre-teen!). I Believe in Love.
We’re not big tv watchers, but pregnancy always brings it on. This pregnancy was first White Collar, then when we finished that, now it’s Life. Netflexk, as my mom calls it, is where it’s at when you don’t have a DVD player and your laptop skips playing DVDs.
Thankful for:
A night at the park with my kiddos the other night. And that I didn’t *think* my water broke, again, falsely, while pushing the swings. This may or may not have happened last week.
Wishing: (goals for the week)
My baby comes. My garden grows. My sister’s FaceTime works on her iPhone in New York so we can see my two sweet nieces out there! My gnocchi recipe from Smitten Kitchen turns out as deliciously as I hope. The girls in Nigeria are returned safely–> pick one to pray for by name here.
1. Share your posts about what you’re Currently up to! Entries completely unrelated to the theme or linked to your homepage will be deleted.
2. Link back to this site so others can join with us, too! You can use the button below if you’d like:

3. You can link up your posts on any day of the week, but the most common day to do so is Monday. 🙂
4. THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE OF ALL! You MUST visit the person’s blog who linked up directly before you and leave them a motivating comment. This is such an important part of this linkup! We are each here to encourage each other and build a community of women and friends. 🙂 If you do not do this, your post will be deleted from the link-up.
If you are interested in co-hosting, please email Jenna at info(at)amamacollective(dot)com to get on the list!
Here’s the template for you to copy and paste and do a post as well — link up with us below!
Thinking about:
Listening to:
Thankful for:
The linky code (put it in under Text and don’t go back to Visual to make it work):
That gnocchi recipe looks delish! Thank you for sharing the link of the names of the girls in Nigeria.
Thanks for coming by, Linds!
At the end of pregnancy, no one feels svelte and worthy of “high fashion”. HA But you look fabulous. Truly!
Praying for your intentions.
Love it! Thanks, Em.
Loved this, Nell. Thank you so much for hosting with me 🙂 You’re so sweet.
I totally hear you on living in a bubble world as a parent. It’s pretty crazy. And how you just don’t really CARE about that other stuff any more. It just doesn’t matter (to me, at least). I’m so content with life at home with my family and that’s it.
I’ve never seen White Collar, but maybe I need to give it a try! And that book sounds really awesome… have you had all natural births so far? ~Jenna
And it’s a great bubble–but a bubble indeed! 🙂
White Collar–hilarious.
So far, no pain meds with these babies!