38 weeks of holy halleluia
It’s here. He’s full-term. That means I can still water birth it even if he comes now instead in a few weeks {take him now, God, take him now!!!}. So now I get to subject you to more nesting photos. Because I’m crafty nesting, design the bathroom nesting, and putting away winter clothing nesting. And I may have lost my to do list. So I’m don’t-ing and just doing what I feel like. Fair enough?
On an aside, I had an amusing exchange with a midwife–not my norm–at my 37 week visit. She wanted to talk family planning postpartum and I was all game. I’m sure somewhere (everywhere?) in my chart it says we’re Catholic & don’t use contraceptives & {gasp} use natural methods of charting fertility. Mostly my midwives & I talk about this stuff at the beginning and then they’re open to questions, but let me do my thing. But she’s the first midwife who wanted to delve deeper. How many children do you want to have? What happens when you’ve reached a place where you feel you’ve had all your children? Do you know breastfeeding isn’t 100% accurate for preventing fertility? How did it go with planning your other children? I just want to answer all your questions about using NFP to prevent pregnancies . . . .
I genuinely felt she cared and wanted to be helpful and get to the bottom of my perplexing responses {we don’t have a set number of children in mind} {we’re not there yet so I’m not worried about it} {breastfeeding + sympto-thermal method has worked for us} {we know when our children were conceived} {I don’t have any questions about preventing pregnancies}. But she didn’t really get it, in the end.
Lots of my natural friends out there don’t use hormonal contraceptives either, and I’m sure they get similar questions from their medical providers who are wanting to ensure all the bases are covered insofar as family pacing or planning. When she typed into my chart “0-5 children” after I mentioned we were both from families of five, I did think that was a little on the unnecessary side as I already have three children. I’ll have to rectify that at my appointment this week with my normal midwife.
Read a great article by Kelly about why she’s the last woman she thought would have five kids, and does, and loves it.
{dodododododododo nesting!}
Bathroom looking good. Finally. Recovered the bench. Still contemplating the linens & walls.
Recovered rocker pad. Love!
Big quilt/play mat for a dear friend who’s due right around the same time! Trucks, dogs, chevron, pinstripe? You’re wondering what it all has in common. I’m just a nut.
And the kiddos in their Easter finery. This was after the 10am High Mass at St. Agnes, our beloved parish. And let’s just say he was an angel {as usual} and she was the devil {as usual}, though really, she didn’t cry or scream. She just talked. A lot. Loudly. And this pregnant mama didn’t want to drag her a lllllll the way to the back to then chase her around the back of the church. So our neighbors overhead lots of conversations like Where’s Father Moriarty? Why he in the sacristy? Where’s Baba? Why he in the choir loft? Where’s Jesus? Why he not right here? Oooh! Angels! Candles! Why that baby naughty? Why that daddy leaving? Why that mama talking?
Is the couch really sagging under me–or is it just me? Okay, it is really.
Yes, we look disheveled and tired. Our last laugh??
Hey Nell, you’re looking so great for 38 weeks! I’ve also always birthed with a midwife but thankfully even though she’s not Catholic, she’s really understanding about the whole NFP thing. Which can always be a conversation that can go in so many directions with doctor-types. And I love your bathroom and the bench!
Christy, you’re so sweet! That’s so great you’ve got a midwife who gets it! I’m grateful the ones I usually see do–it’s a deal breaker for me. Who wants to spend time defending their family planning choices? We’ve got too much else going on!
Thanks on the bath! It’s been a really fun project.
Thanks for the love Nell. And I’m totally coveting that rocker. We have an old one that needs an update beyond the quilt I keep tossing over it. That fabric is the best-est.
Your blog is awesome! Yes, this rocker took me THREE pregnancies to upgrade. And all I needed was a stapler gun–who knew? Alexander Henry is the fabric designer. I’m a little ga-ga over all his stuff!
You look great! I was going to wear a black / gray polka dot dress for Easter, but then even though it had fit me in early March, now it won’t zip over my bust (ugh!), so fortunately a friend loaned me a maternity dress. 🙂 I certainly wasn’t about to go buy a new one when who knew if I’d even get the chance to wear it! Alas, still pregnant, though.
All your projects look great. I just saw a glider at my favorite thrift store that was in great condition and could just use an updated fabric for the cushions. Maybe I should go back and get it!
Oh Sarah–I love it! My maternity stuff doesn’t fit me any more!!! You could totally recover that glider. Get it! (unless you’re having your baby right. now. I. hope!!)
What a lovely family and you are so beautiful. 🙂 Your crafting is amazing. I have no sewing talent WHATSOEVER so I admire even more those who are so talented. I’m actually new to your blog (thanks to you following me, I now found you) and I need to read more posts to find out if you’ve had your baby yet. I’ll add you on our pregnant mama prayer list. 🙂
Bobbi, you’re so sweet. Thanks for the prayers! And I firmly believe everyone has an inner sewer!! You can do it! 🙂