Christmas come & gone
Did you survive? We survived! But the real key is how am I going to survive without eating all the faux-Nut Goodie Bars my sister Bridget concocted that are peanut-free. Let’s just say I’m wolfing them down. I’m sure you have no food vices whatsoever around the holidays.
The biggest delight was having a great priest friend come for our sit-down-formal-china dinner on Christmas Eve. He’s 85 and sharp as a whip. His voice is so dramatic and well modulated that you could listen to it forever. He happens to be one of SuperBoy’s favorite people in the universe as well. SweetPea did a lot of peeking from my shoulder and then burying her face every time he tried to talk to her. You know this age–all fuss & flirt. After our hard earned meal, we retired to the library for a little quiet while SuperBoy & his Dada & Baba looked for Santa in the attic. You know, while mom and I and my sisters hustled all the gifts out and shoved them under the tree. It was a flurry & flash.
Alack! They missed Santa’s exit up the chimney by mere shades of seconds, but somehow he and Rudolf had their cookies & milk. Don’t ask why Rudolph also had come down the chimney. Christmas Midnight Mass at our beloved St. Agnes would have been amazing, but this pregnant woman passed out, ne’er to be awakened before 8:30am Christmas morning so we slacked and went to the noon mass on Christmas Day. Still excellent, but not as pompy & ceremonious.
SweetPea’s fav gift: Sally the horse. And the wrapping paper. SuperBoy’s? Janod’s body magnet box. Not as creepy as it sounds. Mine? The quiet night we had sans kids at the Lodge last night!
Just a quiet Christmas without my sister from New York or military brother deployed. We can’t wait til all the cousins are together next year at this time. Love to you & yours. Have a smashing New Years for me–I’m sure I’ll be passed out with a bottle of Martinelli’s before 9.