California knows how to party
when traveling with two kids. I guarantee it’s a party! Especially for your amazingly generous hosts who are awakened each morning at the crack of dawn, remember the time difference?, from the rooster-like howls of my offspring. Despite the time warp and midnight cowboy crybabies, we had a really splendid time. Traveling with our beloved second mother, along with our real parentals, was a really big delight as well.
Airport highlights:
the man tramping aboard behind me who said to the airline lady, Oh God, Shoot me, I’m seated next to the kids. In front of my back. I mean, literally. When SweetPea cried, I didn’t feel any remorse. In fact, when he moved to the back of the plane as there were empty seats, guess who moved nearby to have her daughter lay down to nap? Maybe someone that vindictive. Maybe.
family rest rooms. Right next to the pet relief station. Room for all!
three smoothies from the Bux (aka Starbucks) because each child and me needed their own. Sharing straws wasn’t an option.
Ocean highlights:
chasing the tide out, and then getting hammered by the vindictive waves! So much salt water foam and splash. Laguna Beach was just so so gorgeous.
Hearing SweetPea say “seeeeaaa gal” every time she saw a bird at the beach. Then she would proceed to make clucking noises like a duck. So close . . . yet so far.
Gelato, beach by moonlight, and the kids playing on a sweet swinging playground. Past their bedtime? Sure. Worth it? Yes.
Friend & family highlights:
staying with Persians means the best Persian food of your life. Hands down. Hands up for a big high five. Love that my kids devour humus and plain yogurt (or “ice cream & whipped cream & yogurt” according to SuperBoy), rice, steak, cornish game hens roasted, eggplant, you name it.
Watching SuperBoy “crush” his Persian uncle, who faked it so well every single time, and having pillow forts with his Persian aunt. Let’s just say the kids did not want to leave. And neither did the rest of us!
Traveling with family means you actually spend time during the vacation talking to them about life sorts of things, beyond the day-to-day at home. I took long walks with my sister, spent early mornings with my mom, and watched my dad frolic (yah, frolic) in the ocean with the kids. Priceless.
Seeing extended family you don’t see often, when there’s a 13 year old basebally boy involved, means SuperBoy compared baseball cards with him. For hours!
How my mom takes pictures. Heads off.
That is one frothy ocean.
SweetPea loved it too–having stripped to her diaper.
The gang, minus my folks–and hey, Tia Ali, look at the camera!
Foooooooood. Jeweled rice? Yup! Carrot & raisin cookies? SuperBoy’s fav.
Lots of pillow fights.
I didn’t miss my computer or dirty house, but now that I’m back, my vigor is renewed to get things in order (i.e., purged and cleaned deeply and profoundly) before BabyLoves arrives. Yes, I need 7 months to do that. Oh, and I’m in my maternity pants. So much already. Today I went through the toys all morning. St. Vincent de Paul stores, brace yourself for an onslaught!