Bucket List Before the Next Baby
No, I’m not pregnant. That I’m aware of. You know us crazies and our NFP {my article on why we pace our family naturally}. That out of the way, with two kids who finally sleep through the night–not counting SuperBoy’s 10 million getups before he falls asleep–I’ve had so much time to blog, sew, cook, hang with AA, rewatch Alias–yes, guilty pleasure from college. I convinced myself watching it would help me feel inspired to work out. Um. And watch more of it. But in this precious in between kids phase, I do want to be more deliberate in my appreciation for this time. This time with two kids. This time with no morning sickness–all day sickness. This time of lots of me (sometimes us time but I’m the nightowl in this marriage) time.
Do I feel selfish? A little guilty? That I have enough time to not clean my bathrooms but hang out with you? Sometimes, yes. Other times, like the 24 hours my blog was lost in outer space yesterday, I realize how much I rely on social media to give me my extrovert booster. Thanks for being here, dear ones! You’re da best.
Pre-baby #3 bucket list:
1) Redo the Main Bathroom.
It just needs a facelift. Like a Lucille Bluthe kind. New lighting, hardware, wall decor, curtains, paint, ceiling fan. That’s it. Not the toily or sink. SuperBoy has taken to calling the toilet the “toily” and asking SweetPea if she wants to go on the toily. She’s content with her diaper flapping all around.
A good girlfriend from law school has been my long-distance interior designer. We’re hashing through schemas, schemes, and actual plans. And I know that no one in my family voted for my choice of a modern chandelier.
See what I mean about the lights? Sorry, mom. But everyone wants to go with the turn of the century style that behooves an almost century old house. Anything’s better than hollywood globes from the 50’s.
2) Sew SuperBoy his outer space quilt. And find fabrics to make a twin sized one for Sweets too.
Here’s what I got months and months ago for him. You can see how much progress I’ve made. But I’ve pinned lots of quilt ideas! And read through a few books. And decided to make up my own. We’ll see how it turns out.
No cluuuuue what to pursue for her. Maybe I have to wait until I see more of her personality other than her adorably perpetual OOOOHHHH utterance. Maybe I’ll foist my love of horses on her? I have a few classic horse prints.
3) Redo guest room curtains.
They’re targe boutique. You know, that really upscaley design store? Well, they worked because I needed something at the time. But maybe I’ll stick with shade and put the money into valences? Wouldn’t that be fancy dancey? I could also attempt to make them. I might need to reel my friend Helen in on this. She’s a pro at this sort of stuff.
The room has a lovely gold & dark wood hue going on. I’d like the window treatments to go along with that. But the attached bathroom we neglected to paint. I don’t remember why. I think I was pregnant and crabby and my sister was coming to stay and I just wanted it done. Well now I want to paint the boring white bathroom walls too.
4) Clean out the garage.
Okay, maybe AA will tackle this before it snows. Which could be in just 2 months. No joke. Why do we always love cracking jokes about our Minnesota weather? Bear with me.
We have old things, new things, many many strollers, a number of which I donated to Everyday Miracles as you should when you clean out your garage. We have lots of tools, screws, nails, and things that came along with 30 years of my family in the house. So it’s maybe 70% my dad’s stuff, 20% ours, and 10%? Can you imagine shelves you can see, labels? Boxes? Finding my gardening gloves? I’d love that.
5) Try and conquer at least one new recipe a week.
Still haven’t conquered the meal plan. I know, Jen the genius lists it as one of her survival techniques. I’m scrambling to make AA’s lunch out of left overs, pretzels, and some really really soft peaches. I should be making him a nice meal right now. But I’m not. We’ve established I need to talk to you. To have the energy to make the meal later.
6) Establish a consistent workout pattern.
Even if it’s only twice a week. Even if it’s just light lifting and vigorous walks. Even if it just means not eating dessert so at least my body is processing more healthy food. Whatever it means, health is something we emphasize in our food choices for our kids, and ourselves, and before I know it I’m going to have had like 15 kids and not have exercised in the interim. It is possible.
7) Travel & visit a few special people.
Christina, I’m talking to you in Florida. Molls, of course you in New York. Vegas lovelies, you know I miss you and want to come back to my former home! Clare, save a seat next to Roland for me. Stef, what about Milwaukee? Judes & Olesia, DC trip again soon? Five year anniversary, I’m thinking Alaskan cruise. Let’s be honest: too many places, not enough time. Thank goodness my long-time BFF moved home from Cali so I don’t need an airplane to get to her!
8) Enjoy the kids at this stage.
They’re becoming adorable together. She imitates everything he does (growling at the dog, hitting at my arm), he snuggles her in bed. They don’t actually fight yet (thank goodness) so it’s all just sibling luv. His obsession with baseball grows by the day, but he can be distracted by the new kitchen set, handed down by our generous neighbors. She’s all about the fake chocolate milk. Poor thing. Doesn’t know what it really is–though he told her it was brown breastmilk. Wow.
Excuse her as she makes off with an etsy blanket bound for Spain. I love these animals so much by Alexander Henry. I have more fabric if you love them too!
Let’s see how this list goes.
Congrats on #3 – very exciting!! I read the recent post about AA and was so happy and surprised to hear such wonderful news 🙂 I hope you are able to conquer some, if not all, of this list. Your family is just blossoming – Congrats!!