My Best Friend & Sister’s Momma Moon Product Line Review from Brooklyn Herborium
My ah-mazing sister, best friend, and organic artisan runs Brooklyn Herborium with her partner, Emma. Their product lines include holistic skincare & home cleansing. We all use ’em everyday. Me. The kids. The man. My parents. My siblings. Anyone who washes their hands in our sink. Anyone who’s lucky enough to get a little gift slipped to them by Molly. She & Emma double-handedly run this company whilst juggling their own babes. And they are working on opening their space in Brooklyn so you can get treatments, products, and loveliness all in one spot. They hand-make it all, through traditional processes with all-organic and natural products. The effect? Something beautiful, safe, and soothing to any skin type.
Brooklyn Herborium is a new blog sponsor—-> looking to the bar on the right, peeps. And I received a Momma Moon Collection from my sissie to review for the blog. Even though I’m not an expecting mama (yet), I’m still a mama whose skin is woefully neglected and who’s still nursing. I need all the skincare help I can get.
Find them on the web, blogging, facebook, pinterest, & twitter.
Here’s the rundown:
See the Momma Moon Collection on her site. It includes Reap Your Wild Oats, Massage in a Bottle, and Full Moon Facial Oil. The collection provides a sweet discount for the trifecta collection in lieu of individual purchases.
1) Reap Your Wild Oats.
The description on her site is as follows: Reap your Wild Oats is our organic, gluten-free grain-based facial cleanser, specially created for new and expectant mothers with herbs that encourage tranquility. (2oz)
Oats are known for their soothing and anti-itch properties while helping to physically remove dead skin build-up. Milk powder contains lactic acid, which provides a deeper (aha-type) exfoliation. Traditional florals, Elderflower and Rose, flush out impurities in your skin’s cells and help prevent clogged pores. Using three different types of exfoliation at once, rather than one type of a stronger exfoliant, will keep your skin healthy-looking and fresh, never irritated. Elder Flowers, Rose Petals, Lavender, and Chamomile soothe and nourish your skin.
Directions: This powdered cleanser should be mixed at a one to one ratio (1 tsp grain + 1 tsp liquid-making a runny paste) with: water (for any skin type) cream (for dry skin) yoghurt (for hyperpigmentation) honey (for healing)
Once a week, we recommend mixing your wild oats with honey (1 tsp grain + 1 tbsp honey) for a wonderful and natural masque. Leave it on for about 10 minutes and follow with your regular skin care routine.
My take: I was dubious. You want me to rub grains on my face? And how exactly do I add the right amount of water? What about honey?? I easily got into the swing of just tapping it out of the bottle onto my palm in the shower, and getting a quick drip of water on it, rubbing them together, and applying it. No problemo. It doesn’t feel like a harsh exfoliant, but you know it’s doing something because your face feels more fresh after every use. I tend to get oily on my T zone, but the combination of this plus my oil (see below) keeps a hydrating balance. I’m not oily by the end of the day; my skin feels happily balanced.
Oh, and the honey masque–soooooo fun to apply and such a delightful refresher once removed. This is a staple for any skin type.
2) Massage in a Bottle.
Description: Massage in a Bottle {Mother} works wonders for new and expecting mommas. Use as a daily belly massage oil to reduce the chances of getting stretchmarks or minimizing their appearance if they occur. Soothing and hydrating for dry, itchy belly skin. (2oz)
Chemical-free, Preservative-free, & Fragrance-free. 90% Organic ingredients include Organic Jojoba Oil, Organic Sesame Oil infused with sustainably wild-crafted Sweet Blue Violet, Organic Rosehips Seed Oil, and Argon Oil. This potent combination of high quality oils have been traditionally used to repair, moisturize and protect skin for centuries.
Directions: Use liberally head to toe including body, scalp, hair and nails. Especially effective for belly skin.
My take: love it. Would eat it. Can I? Probably. I use it on my belly skin that has stretched for two children now. I use it on my arms–especially the backs of my arms that have also stretched . . . ahem, you know. I use it on my hands and feet that get disgustingly dry. Those peel-offs you get on your fingers? No more. That scratchy feeling on your tummy? Gone. I haven’t tried it on my scalp yet, but am going to one of these days.
It’s smooth and lightweight so it easily moves over your skin, but still feels like it’s doing something. I really, really, really like it on my belly. The kids love helping me apply it, naturally.
3) Full Moon Facial Oil.
Description: Full Moon Facial Oil is our daily facial massage oil, specially created for new and expectant mothers with oils that encourage tranquility. (1oz)
100% Chemical-free, Preservative-free, and Fragrance-free.
Leaves exhausted skin feeling moisturized and peaceful, while protecting against the development of fine lines that can result from sleepless nights.
Directions: Mix 4-8 drops Oil with water in the palm of your hand. Massage into face for 1-2 minutes. Let absorb or pat dry.
My take after use for a few weeks: number 1: I need tranquility, and definitely have sleepless nights. Oils are fabulous for your skin, especially oils that are really, truly what they say they are with no hidden scary chemicals. Number 2: you’d think oil would make your face oily, but it didn’t. Instead it makes my skin feel smooth and hydrated, a long-elusive feeling after years of a range of lotion products from cheapy to expensive.
It’s easy to apply and I rub the excess on the backs of my hands (which have never been smoother). Even when I’m hormonally breaking out, it seems to even out my skin’s levels of oil. Magic facial oil should be the name of this one. I use it alllll the time.
The bottomest line is that my skin loves their products, and I think yours would too. Check them out, show my sister some electronic love, and show your skin some love too.
[…] told you about my sister Molly and her organic skincare products before, […]