SuperBoy is Super Three Years Old Today
It is mindblowningering that three years ago today I met our son. My birth story is here, for all you birthy-world friends who love my blah blahing about unmediated labor. But the real story has been the last three years of raising him and watching him become him. That story is really the backbone of Whole Parenting Family, a project I began after culminating all this knowledge, and so, like any new mom who’s a writer, I started a blog. To share my new knowledge! To edumacate! To change the world! Really, it’s about my son, my daughter, my husband, our garden, our dinners, our cries, our laughs. And about yours too. I love hearing and sharing and connecting. Thank you for caring about my family, and know we care about you too.
SuperBoy is sensitive, bright, tantrum-prone, particular, hot-tempered, and a snuggler. He’s not easy going. He’s not particularly difficult. He’s your typical three year old who wants to be an altar boy and baseball player when he grows up, but also atypical in so many ways. He’s taught us who he is through our trials and errors. And we love him for it all the mostest.
A ten day trip home for my sister, her husband, and daughter ends today–much sorrow on all fronts on that score. The cousins had a delighted and delightful time playing, sharing, shrieking, flower picking, mashing food around, and generally loving each other. So glad you were with us, V! These photos are from our time out at our place in Wisconsin, celebrating both her second and his third birthday.
Happy birthday to my sweet baby boy. Buckets of bisous to all of you from him! (I wish I could say he has been the model child today, but no, as I type, he is screaming that he doesn’t want to nap in the other room. And stomping his feet. Le sigh.)
How sweet! Time goes by so quickly, my oldest just celebrated his 6th birthday yesterday.
How does it go so fast! That’s beautiful.