Fathers, Love, Kids, and an Easy Weekend
I love this picture from almost 10 years ago–me and my atrocious Beatles hair cut. My dad cracking some awesome joke. My brother looking overwhelmed by the humor.
It’s just an easy, quiet, lovely day around here for Father’s Day. My dad, BABA, is feeding SweetPea her lunch while he reads his Catholic newspaper. My mom, NUNU, is making grilled cheeses sandwiches. We just returned from a gorgeous and peacefilling mass at our beloved parish. SuperBoy was particularly well-behaved, including insisting on folding his hands while walking to communion all by himself, except when he decided to let his baseball free in the pew. All over.
Hopefully you and your father are connecting in a meaningful way today. Thank God for all the fathers in our lives, physical and spiritual. It’s a beautiful vocation to be a father, and a real gift to the children/adults whose lives you’ve affected. Me & my sibs lucked out with the best dad in the world, and now I get to watch AA be the best dad to our kids. My dad’s list of accomplishments are many, including, but not limited to:
1) giving us driving directions–from anywhere to anywhere. The man’s mind is google map’s engine.
2) instilling in us a love of classical music, oriental rugs, persian food, and Mel Brooks.
3) teaching us to have a real sense of humor about the human body as he’s a gastro doc. That’s the stomach & colon.
4) helping so many of my friends with their various stomach/gut ailments and showing me what it is to be giving & loving with one’s talents.
5) being the most fun grandfather in the world who babysits almost every day.
My Dad is the same way with directions! My Mom always says, “Dad has a brain like a homing pigeon, he can get anywhere and then get back home.” And then Dad jokes, “I think she’s calling me a bird brain!” 🙂
Haha! It’s like they just know things we could only hope to.