Little Girls Dress Up
What’s cuter than a little girl in a cute dress? Maybe one that is running away from you. SweetPea rocks a new sewing project of mine. The Etsy shop is busy busy and I’m thinking of adding a modern fresh vintage girls’ clothing line. We’ll see. I have oh so much fabric in my dresser of wonders (fabric stash) that I want to make a billion things out of. This one is a soft blue corduroy lined with a new organic cotton print, and a little do-da on the bottom corner with a “V” for my Goddaughter and niece for whom I made the dress. Now I have to make Sweets a matching one. I made SuperBoy a pair of pants in this fabric but they’re not that exciting. My girlfriend Mary pointed out they kinda resembled hospital scrubs. And she was right.
Also on the horizon: being a contributing writer to two new projects. Will keep you posted once my writing is actually up there. Pretty darn excited about it. My sisters and I started working on a children’s series two years ago. It’s finally getting momentum again. Woot!
Now, to summon the muse and get cracking on my posts. And to finish cleaning up the sewing studio. And mending pants & hems. And the endless list of around the housisms. And laundryisms. And gardeningisms. Pretty darned blessed around here.
Love this little girl. And her big ears that stick out.