Indoor Gardening 101
Don’t laugh. In Minnesota we indoor garden. Yes, this is because it’s mid-May and we can barely plant even now. Yes, we had snow recently. Yes, we do chose to live here. And yes, I’m blog about our compost, {Compost} {More on Compost}, and our garden so much there’s a whole section on it.
Our solution for my dearest urban farmer husband’s insatiable desire to plant and eat the work of his hands? Start from seed. Early. Grow indoors. Then someday hope to get it outside. His office is a jungle of green house mess. He is probably the healthiest man I know who sits at a desk for 11 hours because he’s surrounded by plants providing him with fresh air!
Kale from last year’s garden AA unearthed and kept alive indoors all winter. This is the only branch that made it.
He & SuperBoy planted seeds and placed these pots in the kitchen windowsill.
And they’re growing!
This guy lives under the light we keep on in the hallway for the kids, and then during the day, migrates to the bathroom windows. It’s a morning ritual SuperBoy reminds me of if I forget.
It’s working. This whole photosynthesis thing.
We did a replant of green onions. Works like a charm! Also can do this with lettuce, celery, etc. {Repurposed Gardening}
And they’re on AA’s dinner plate every single night (regardless of what we’re eating!).
And here’s AA’s office green life:
Who cares if any of it produces? The best part of it all for me is seeing my son and husband (and daughter too) enjoy planting, watering, tending to, and loving this joyful activity together. (Okay, AA will be pretty devastated if nothing is produced. And SuperBoy too.)