When Your Baby Is Suddenly a Cruiser
How on earth did SweetPea suddenly go from baby to cruiser?? I simply don’t know. She’s 9 months old, just now, and she stands up, pulls herself up on any piece of available furniture, crawls fast, and is starting to walk around holding on to things?! SuperBoy is less than impressed. I think he preferred life with her stationary, or perpetually in “the pouch” as he calls the sling. He cheers for her, but when she encroaches on his baseball cards, or his puzzle pieces, there are lots of reminders from on High (me, that’s me, Big Boss) to be gentle. Thankfully he does love his sissie, or chunky love muffin as he likes to call her.
So when your baby is suddenly a cruiser, you simply have no time to yourself because you’re constantly shadowing her. And watching her bonk her head. And kissing her boo boos. And loving that she’s on the move. I wrote about SuperBoy being at this stage long ago in the blog’s nascence. {HERE} But hating that she knows how to quickly get places before you can intercept her. She also has amazing vision and can eyeball a good piece of lint up in a few seconds, zip over to it, and plop it in her mouth.
Good thing she is still the perma-happy babe. She makes motherhood an extra joy. And you’ll be pleased to hear the update on Mr Terrorizer that the timeout/isolation from the herd appears to be working. He gets one warning and then up he goes to his bedroom. Somehow he hasn’t figured out that it is probably more fun up there than with me 🙂 After a while of fussing, he simply sits on his bed with his blankies until I check on him, upon which time he reports “I’m ready.” It’s SO MUCH BETTER THAN before. Hope it sticks!
[…] to see so many smoochable babies. SweetPea is far too active (remember, folks, she’s standing!) to come so it was just me & my camera. We talked about everything from gassy babies to […]