Thanksgiving, Thanks and Giving
We are thankful, and grateful, for so much. For our families, for our friends, for our food, for our faith, and for the wonderful ability to share with our journey of familyhood with you all.
Yesterday I roasted & pureed 4 butternut squash for soup & some of our “pumpkin” pies–which actually are a great paring with real pumpkin. Somehow SuperBoy and I made the dough for 10 pies–we’re serious about pie for Thanksgiving. I brined the turkey. I cleaned up the junk around the kitchen, and I finished the order email for a new retail spot for the Sig Items. (!!!!!!)
Oh, and we had homemade pizza for dinner. Because after all that flour and water in the bowls, on the counter top, and crusting over my fav wooden spoon, why not quick make a little dough. And I’ve been craving it lately. Easiest homemade dinner for me!
Last year I just photoblogged our Thanksgiving feast. This year, I will include photos & links again. Some amazing bloggers and chefs publish their recipes & shopping lists ahead of time (do you follow Wellness Mama? Because you should). I’m not that fabulous in the kitchen, nor ambitious that you all be inspired by our feast. I do think I’ll post on pie crust from scratch before Christmas because although it sounds daunting and like too much work, you will never ever buy a store bought crust again. Same goes for roasting your own squash/pumpkin for the innards of a pie.
I hope you all find ways to be thankful and to give to others this Thanksgiving–whether that be simply through offering thanks for all that you’ve been given, or through ensuring time with relatives is peacefilled (a gift to your partner!).
Blessings and bisous for you all from our house to yours!