Whole Parenting Family

Our Compost Is Lovely! What Does Yours Look Like?

We keep this enormo strainer under our sink for containing the compost indoors. And it gets full pretty quickly. I’d recommend keeping your compost covered to avoid fruit flies (we use an aluminum pizza pan that also has holes in it)–ours is improvised, but you can easily purchase an actual indoor compost pail at Target or on Amazon, or whatnot.

Here’s our post on composting for beginners from last summer: here {Composting For Beginners}. What we’ve learned since last year is that compost is truly amazing insofar as it builds on itself, and springtime means lots of compost for your garden. So the second year in means a lot more fertilizer for you. I also learned that I wish I had an indoor composter during the winter. Can we say worm farm? Vermiculture! My eldest sister and her partner have a vermiculture compost in their condo. Pretty intense stuff.

Note, Nina is following AA like a hound dog because she desperately believes that the compost holds treasures for her.

Our big old compost pile, when you dig in a little, has beautiful beautiful compost. On the surface, it looks like we abandoned our produce scraps. Which I suppose we did. AA unearthed over 40 gallons of compost for the beginning of our gardening this spring. Ah-mazing.


  1. mothering spirit on May 18, 2012 at 2:20 pm

    Composting is amazing! Talk about transformation. The city of Elk River has this awesome composting program (one of the things we will miss, since we’re moving!) where you can get a huge compost bin (big as a garbage can) and compost lots more things than you can for a normal/private compost in your yard: meat/fish scraps, cardboard takeout boxes, dryer lint, even milk cartons! I have loved seeing composting get “institutionalized” for a city.

    • Natural Mama Nell on May 21, 2012 at 4:39 am

      Wow! The actual city has that program? That is fantastic! I hate it when we have to toss out so many number of food items because they’re not compostable in our pile. Wonderful.

  2. Indoor Gardening 101 | Whole Parenting Family on September 6, 2013 at 7:24 am

    […] snow recently. Yes, we do chose to live here. And yes, I’m blog about our compost, {Compost} {More on Compost}, and our garden so much there’s a whole section on […]