Whole Parenting Family

Developing Fine Motor Skills for Your Toddler

We try to allow SuperBoy exposure to lots of different opportunities to develop his motor skills, gross and fine. That means following blogs like Play At Home Mom--a fabulous resource for outside of the box learning in a hands on fashion for kiddos. One of SuperBoy’s favorite skill games is “BEANS!”

Black beans are so easy to find, and fun fun fun for little ones. Just keep an eye on them because toddlers can put things into their mouth very quickly.

Just use your household measuring cups and containers. Tupperware and yogurt containers go a long way.

SuperBoy loves to fill measuring cups and then dump them into larger containers.

He likes to stack the measuring cups into each other, smallest to largest. And when the beans spill, he picks them up and counts them aloud. Counting AND picking up small objects with his opposable thumb & forefinger. It’s an all-around win-win situation!



  1. […] Popular Music in Our House}, no screen time {Damage of Screen Time on Babies}, and craft play and bean play {Jumpstarting Toddler Imaginations, Developing Fine Motor […]