Whole Parenting Family

Easy Toddler Breakfast

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We love fresh fruit & oats around here. So SuperBoy’s breakfast is fairly simple. After a long stint with Super Baby Food, how can I give up the wonderful properties of grains multiple times a day? So we start the day with oatmeal, yogurt, and fresh fruit. Nina’s Coffee Cafe in Saint Paul has a similarly delicious oatmeal that’s such a sweet way to start your day. He loves theirs lots, as they also have cranberries or raisins to boot! (Another great reason for Nina’s with a small child: the buses run on Selby frequently and can be viewed out their huge windows.)

The other day we shared a smoothie as well. LouLou Ingredient’s Blueberry Smoothie. So delicious for mama & tot! Love her recipes. If you’re not a subscriber, you are missing out.



  1. digitalphotographyportraits on April 5, 2012 at 9:20 am

    Love the creations for breakfast, I’ll have to incorporate them with my kids.

    Thank you for sharing



    • Novice Natural Mama on April 5, 2012 at 1:29 pm

      We use plain whole milk yogurt & the slow cookin’ oats. It’s like a treat in the morning 🙂

  2. Lea Anne on April 7, 2012 at 12:13 pm

    Great smoothie! And Adra liked it too. 🙂 thanks for posting.

    • Novice Natural Mama on April 8, 2012 at 7:47 pm

      I’m so glad she liked it! It’s a great recipe.

  3. jencliffdominic on April 10, 2012 at 1:11 am

    LOVE new ideas for breakfast! Thanks for sharing! D is just starting to slowly learn how to use a spoon so this will be a great trial dish to serve him. And smoothies rock! I try an make them a few times a week and love sneaking in ingredients like spinach, cod liver oil and flax seed oil so get some extra nutrients 🙂 I also picked up some Popsicle molds at Ikea that we’ve used a few times thus far by freezing some smoothie leftovers and will be used lots this summer 🙂

    • Novice Natural Mama on April 13, 2012 at 11:33 am

      Spoon learning is easiest with a slightly sticky food, like oatmeal. Awesome ideas on the smoothies and popsickles!!

  4. […] with raisins, blueberries, raspberries and yogurt. Usually our toddler’s breakfast as noted here {Easy Toddler […]

  5. Sample Day with Two Kids | Whole Parenting Family on November 14, 2012 at 12:51 pm

    […] him oatmeal, yogurt, & fruit dish {Toddler Breakfast Delight}. Convince him to eat while sitting in his chair. Listen periodically for SweetPea on the monitor, […]