Whole Parenting Family

Packing Your Diaper Bag to Leave the House

Who hasn’t forgotten the essentials when you’ve left the house with your child & diaper bag? It’s normal. You’re not alone! Here’s my quick mental checklist for packing a diaper bag for errands and outings. I’ve written on packing for travel (requires much more, duh!), travel with a toddler, and travel with an infant. Do I always bring all these things? Nope. Do I wish I had oftentimes? Yup.

  1. Diapers
  2. Cover
  3. Wipes
  4. Changing pad
  5. Hand sanitizer
  6. Wet bag or whatever you use for your disposables
  7. New pants (must must must)
  8. New shirt (you never know)
  9. New socks (ditto)
  10. Small toy that can be lost and forgotten (usually a matchbox car for us) (for a younger baby, a teether or rattle)
  11. Happy snack (usually a teething biscuit)
  12. Sippy cup for water or other beverage device
  13. Two books (to read in the car or to chew on, or whatnot)
  14. Allergy meds if you’re child has an allergy (epi pen & benedryl for us)
  15. Perhaps a change of tops for you if your child is young and nursing (you never know)
  16. For the younger baby, BURP CLOTHS

We keep a blanket, emergency first aid kit, bottled water, canned baby food, Luna bars, and car-emergency-stuff in the back of the car as well. You never know!


  1. Theresa on March 17, 2012 at 8:46 am

    my ring sling or moby wrap is a MUST now that I have two babies to keep track of!