When Your Child Loves Your Dog and the Feeling Is Mutual
SuperBoy loves Nina so much. Great Danes have the sweetest and best disposition for kids! They are gentle, think they’re small, and are very protective while still maintaining their basic happy-go-lucky disposition. They also require very little exercise and are easy as puppies. SuperBoy does anything and everything to her, she just looks at me, and deals with it. We love her too!
I’ve blogged about bringing baby home to pets and teaching children gentleness toward pets. This is just an appreciation-of-dog post. He or she endures so much with children in the house! Pet your dog today. And give an extra treat.
[…] Does my child perfectly self-entertain while I do all the other things that parents need to do around a house? No way! I wish! But I will say that introducing books early has been my saving grace. Even if he doesn’t want to read by himself, he loves to read aloud to me. At almost 20 months, he’ll plop down in a chair in the kitchen and read to me so I can be at a hot stove, wash sharp knives, or blow my nose without his assistance. Sometimes the entire story is “mama, dada, baba, nunu (my mom’s name), NINA! (his beloved Great Dane).” […]
[…] Nina’s been watching our every move outside this spring, and ensuring that SuperBoy doesn’t get hurt playing around. She’s 135 pounds of love. And he loves her. Our pets are part of our family (2 dogs, 2 cats), so it’s wonderful to see how much fun SuperBoy can have goofing around with her. See evidence of their love, here. […]