Consignment Shopping
I love a good bargain. Mostly I love a good bargain on lovely things. Like adorable baby clothing, or great wooden toys. My favorite bi-annual source for both of these genres of goods, and more, is Just Between Friends Consignment Sales. No, I have no stake in the sales, nor do I consign myself, nor do I know any of the franchise owners personally. I’m just an appreciator. Also, they only sell things in good condition–no spots, stains, or too much wear & tear.
Look for events in your location here.
In the Twin Cities, we are fortunate enough to have NINE consignment sale locations. I think they’re all individually owned as a franchise sort of deal. Most of these nine hold 2 annual sales, fall and spring. As I’m expecting a little girl in April, and have no little girl things (except what’s pictured above), nor much in the size of newborns as J was a big baby and grew out of everything quickly, I’m looking at shopping dates already. Some of them aren’t up, but the ones that are are listed below.
The structure is usually the same: you have to pay a few dollars the first day, but the second two are free admission, and Saturday is 50% off most items. Sahweet!
Eagan: March 15-17th
Elk River: May 10-12
White Bear Lake: May 17-19
Woodbury: May 10-12
I’ll let you know about other consignment dates and sales. Who doesn’t like a good deal?
If you’re looking to save money, check out Salvation Army on Wednesdays- 75 cents for most baby clothing items and while there is the occasional stained item to watch out for, most are in good shape! And you can find fun weird things like this Baby Einstein romper-thing http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.295475361604.192077.696466604&type=1#!/photo.php?fbid=422785536604&set=a.295475361604.192077.696466604&type=3&theater
AWESOME! Great recommendation! And that’s absolutely adorable. I don’t understand why people would have an aversion to used baby clothing. I mean, it gets pilled and spilled on, and poo’d on anyway, right? We do have washing machines these days!
They’ve got one of these in Las Vegas, and there are amazing deals to be had. I’ve found that, unless you want to spend HOURS in there (because they’re generally super big), it’s best to have a few items on your list that you want. I’ve also discovered that if there are any big ticket items on your list (i.e. exersaucer, swing, baby gates, etc), it’s best to enlist the help of a husband or friend (I’ve found an offer of lunch and cocktails works wonders as a persuasive measure!) because it’s hard to juggle those things and your baby and pocketbook all at the same time.
Excellent point. I do try to leave J with a family member, or drag them with so it’s less chaotic. And a shopping list is a total life saver as well, because you’ll always find things that you “need” but with regards to clothing, it’s helpful to have combed through the closet to see what is missing. We tend to buy a season ahead as well.
I too love the Just Between Friends sales and always find great bargains for the upcoming season! I’ve been a shopper and consignor for a few years now, wish it was around when mine were just babies! A tips for all the new mommas out there: these sales all have a first time moms presale night where you can shop the night before the public can shop and its FREE! You just need to pre-register for the sale you want to attend to get on the presale list.( A first time mom is considered someone who is expecting their first child, or until your first child is 1 year old). Not a first time mom? If you volunteer 4 hours or consign with them you get to presale shop before the public too, and that’s before the first day AND before their half price day they have a presale night too! Bargains galore…I love it!
Totally awesome point, craftykaty! Thank you for filling us in on this. Half-price is wonderful! Totally love it!
I get most of our kids’ clothes, gear and toys at consignment sales, too – I love a good deal and having everything in one place makes it so easy! I share your thoughts on used clothing – I’d much rather spend our money elsewhere than new clothes they’ll grow out of in a few months.
An awesome website I’d recommend is Twin Cities Kids Sales (http://www.twincitieskidssales.com/). They list all the sales, not just JBF, and I have found lots of other area sales (especially moms of multiples’ sales) to have even better prices than JBF, although their selection can’t be beat.
Exactly! The money for new clothing can instead go to trips, healthy food, or just be squirreled away for that rainy sleeting day.
Great recommendation on the TC Kids Sales. Thank you! I’ve heard of it, but never known exactly where to find it!
Check out the Munchkin Markets sales too. Love, love, love the one at the Fairgrounds. They are just like the JBF sales and have a bunch of locations in the Twin Cities. The Twin Cities Kids Sale website used to be a good resource but they intentionally don’t list sales that compete with her own sale which I think is really lame.
I haven’t been, but will definitely go the next time around. That’s a bummer about the TC Kids Sale website. I mean, c’mon. Is it that competitive? I think there’s enough stuff & consumers to go ’round! Thanks for the tip, Amy.
[…] written about Just Between Friends sales before here {Consignment Shopping} and when I went on Saturday with a […]
[…] in the clothing department–have you seen how expensive new baby/children clothing is? Buy consignment, Goodwill or thrift shops, or garage sales. For the staples you’re going to use and wear out, […]