Reading Material for Pregnancy and Parenthood
The short list. If you aren’t a big reader, but want the basic coverage:
1) Labor & Delivery.
a) The Big Book of Birth, Erica Lyon; (an overview of labor and delivery options)
b) The Birth Partner, Penny Simkin; (preparing your partner) and
c) Husband-Coached Childbirth, Dr. Bradley (partner as coach).
2) From birth onward.
a) The Baby Book, Dr. Sears; (the Bible of babycare) and
b) HappyBaby: the Organic Guide to Baby’s First 24 Months, Dr. Bob Sears (scientific specifics about “green” babycare).
The long list, which includes all of the above, offers greater depth on various subjects:
3) Pregnancy and Prenatal Care.
a) Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn, Penny Simkin et al;
b) Mayo Clinic’s Complete Book of Pregnancy and Baby’s First Year, The Mayo Docs; and
c) Healthy Eating for Pregnancy, Amanda Grant.
4) Natural Childbirth, Educated Decisions on Medical Interventions.
a) Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth, Ina May Gaskin;
b) The Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Better Birth, Henci Goer; and
c) Your Pregnancy and Childbirth, Month-to-Month, American College of OBGYNs.
5) Breastfeeding.
a) The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, La Leche League;
b) The Breastfeeding Book, Dr. Sears; and
c) The Nursing Mother’s Companion, Kathleen Huggins.
6) Infant Sleep.
a) The Sleep Book, Dr. Sears;
b) The No-Cry Sleep Solution, Elizabeth Pantley and Dr. Sears;
c) Sleeping With Your Baby, a parent’s guide to co-sleeping, James McKenna; and
d) Sleep Solutions for Your Baby, Toddler, and Preschooler, Ann Douglas.
7) Child Development.
a) You Are Your Child’s First Teacher, Rahima Dancy;
b) Naturally Healthy Babies and Children, Aviva Rahm;
c) Boys and Girls Learn Differently, Michael Guerin; and
d) Theories of Childhood, Carol Mooney.
8) Homemade Baby Food.
a) Super Baby Food, Ruth Yaron; and
b) The Petit Appetite Cookbook, Lisa Barnes.
[…] great initially, and as they get closer to a year and want to rip pages out of everything. See post here about books for expecting […]
[…] children, so I’ll start with books. If you have a friend expecting, or you’re pregnant, here’s my book recommendation list for you! If you buy or read nothing else, get Erica Lyon’s The […]
[…] There’s so much out there on pregnancy, and every piece of advice is countered by another piece in direct opposition, that here’s my short list of what I loved to read to educate myself on birth, baby care, and raising children decisions. I’m re-reading these, and the Bradley Method book, as I’m expecting baby girl in April. If you have time and interest, I have a long recommended reading list, here. […]
[…] lots of time with your partner tackling things together. Read together (suggested short list, long list, and how to involve him more here), spend precious time being goofy and having fun together! Make […]
[…] books books. SuperBoy started a quiet time when he was probably 18 or 20 months in his crib with his books. He […]