Teething Pain in Young Children
Babies teeth at different times, in different ways. We thought SuperBoy was teething at 3 months. In retrospect, he was probably just fatigued and letting us know about it. See post on incessant screaming here. {When Your Infant Screams and Screams and You Do Too (Inside)}
Teething babies fuss mostly at night on account of the pain, but can been known to gnaw on anything available during the day, including but not limited to, the legs of chairs.
1) Chew. Cold. Comfort.
Sophie the Giraffe is a great teething toy. So are the Natural Touch Teethers. I will place items into the fridge to cool them off. A washcloth with ice balled up in it, rinsed in cold water can be fun for him to suck on for a while. The Nuby Nibler filled with ice or frozen chunks of fruit works well too. Everything is short-lived, however, and does end up on the floor sooner or later.
2) Homeopathy.
Homeopathy is a great method of working with one’s own body to deal with, in this instance, pain. It works differently for different people, and differently on the same person at different times. Basically, homeopathic remedies contain therapeutically active micro-doses of mineral, botanical, and biological substances.
Two products have worked on SuperBoy’s gums: Hyland’s Teething Gel and Camilia Teething Relief. AND Amber teething necklaces really worked for him!
3) Medications.
Infant Tylenol. We never give the fully permitted dosage for his weight and age. When homeopathy fails, and I can tell he’s not hungry, overly tired, or made a diaper, but rather is in screaming pain, Tylenol has helped him sleep.
4) Post-external relief.
When SuperBoy has had all his available palliative measures and still is screaming from what appears to be teething pain, nursing for comfort can help, back rubs can help (especially when he has turned away from me on his side), and just plain old handholding. What doesn’t seem to be a good idea is to get him out in the well-lit areas of the house and wake him up completely. Then we have to start the sleep ritual all over again once he has tired of the distraction.
[…] So does that mean we suffer poor sleep for two years? Maybe yes. See our night teething solutions here. If you’ve felt the little razors that come through on your baby’s gums, you can […]
[…] b) A good nail trimmer, rectal thermometer (most reliable temp), a first-aid kit (ice compress, band-aids, etc), Infant Tylenol, and Hyland’s Teething Gel (teething remedies here) […]
[…] written a good deal about our little toddler’s quirks in previous posts about teething, toddler sleep trouble, traveling with a toddler (comprehensive packing list), quick tips for […]
[…] few articles from the Whole Parenting past: teething at night & teething. And a few […]
[…] written a good deal about our little toddler’s quirks in previous posts about teething, toddler sleep trouble, traveling with a toddler (comprehensive packing list), quick tips for […]
[…] So does that mean we suffer poor sleep for two years? Maybe yes. See our night teething solutions here. If you’ve felt the little razors that come through on your baby’s gums, you can […]
[…] your little one teething? I’ve written about teething here {Teething Pain in Young Children}, here {Toddler Night Sleep Trouble}, and here {Teething Gel: […]
[…] b) A good nail trimmer, rectal thermometer (most reliable temp), a first-aid kit (ice compress, band-aids, etc), Infant Motrin, Infant Benedryl, and Hyland’s Teething Gel (teething remedies here) […]