Baby Wearing and Carrying: Do It!
Nothing can conjure up the feeling of still living in the womb like carrying a baby close to you in a baby carrier. Many different carriers are out there, but you really just need two, one for ages birth through 15 pounds, and one for 15 pounds through can’t-carry-any-longer. See this post on Natural Mommas for more info on her baby carrying/wearing experience.
1) Baby wrap.
We used the Moby Wrap. Although it’s lengthy and takes a few times to figure out exactly how to wrap it, your infant will feel so incredibly safe and tucked in, like a little kangaroo. A product made by a friend of a friend that is similar, but easier to use is Rockin’ Wraps. I love giving business to people I know, so check out her products! Basically, in my experience, a wrap that actually wraps around your body without room for slippage, wigglage, or gappage, is best. These wraps keep your infant’s spine supported, close to you, and secure.
2) Baby carrier.
One brand that I swear by: Ergo. These baby carriers are incredible. They are ergonomically correct, never pinching or stressing those baby joints, and made of breathable but durable fabric. Although we had the infant insert, J was born in the dead heat of summer and I think he would have melted had we carried him in it. Once he reached three & a half months, he was the right size to snap in.
It washes easily, folds up easily, and travels easily. My husband loves it, and even my mother loves it. Excellent for outdooring adventures, especially when the little one wants to be close.
3) Baby backpack.
When J was 8 months, and when we celebrated AA’s and my birthday, my family gave us a Phil & Ted’s Escape baby backpack carrier. It’s lightweight, easy to adjust, and J absolutely LOVES it. It’s like he is a prince and we are his litter bearers. He can see the world from a great height and throw his hands and legs all around. It’s also easy to navigate a crowd with this backpack carrier.
There’s a lot of talk in the attachment parenting world about the benefits of carrying your baby. Science aside, cultural traditions worldwide aside, theories aside, it just feels right!
Baby carriers are AWESOME!!! We have three of them! My fiance thinks I’m crazy because we have so many but I don’t care! I have a Moby wrap for when he was a newborn and for breastfeeding. We have a Baby Bjorn for Daddy (it seems to work better on his body shape than mine) and a Beco for Mommy. It’s a lot like the Ergo but has a few differences. All of these were kinds that worked for us and baby and each person and baby is different so the best way to know what works best is to try them out at the store if you can. Also, ask other mommies as well what they preferred! But in the end, have at least one baby carrier because it is great for everyone!
That’s fantastic! The more the merrier. And I have found too that different carriers fit me better versus AA. Beco . . . tell us a little more about it!
[…] was an errand day. J was a trooper in his Ergo in this heat. We don’t usually do errands together as I try to save those up for when my mom […]
[…] Recommendations on my post here. […]
[…] to stay in his or her high chair while you finish up what you’re doing. Or put the baby in a carrier and have the toddler sit on the floor and color you a picture (and risk crayons getting on the […]
[…] your baby! I’ve written about different carriers before, here, but having a new baby again reminds me that the initial hassle of getting a sling or wrap on is […]
[…] on my post here and […]
[…] and heartbeat. She can smell you. She can easily initiate nursing. She can feel safe. See postings here {Baby Wearing and Carrying: Do It!} and here {Wear Your Baby in a Wrap or Sling} about wearing […]
[…] toddler boy who is being held in Dada’s arms because we neglected to bring the Ergo (never, ever again), is pretty sleepy and tired and snoozy, be aware that he doesn’t snore […]