saint paul doula
I have this wonderful platform to share when my friends do great things–and I get to share it with you, lovely readers! My girlfriend Karen is one of those warm souls you meet and immediately want to just go to get a hot cocoa with and talk and talk. She’s mellow but passionate, gentle but intense, and happens to have been a practicing doula for quite a while now. She’s officialled herself as Filia Birth Services (not a word? sue me!). We got to do a little Q&A about what she’s up to, what this is all about, and why you want to contact her when you’re expecting for her expert & loving guidance through the birth journey. With no further ado: I give you: Karen. Tell us a little about your new venture of Filia Birth Services. How did it come to be? What drew you into the birth world? Over the past several years, many friends have had babies, and I’ve had the privilege of walking alongside them and learning from their experiences. What I’ve found is that regardless of the circumstances of labor (e.g. how long or short the labor was, or whether they had a natural or medicated birth, or whether they welcomed their baby vaginally or via C-section) their overall perception of the birth and of themselves hinged on one factor–how supported they felt in labor. A labor may have been long and arduous, but if the mama was surrounded by a loving partner and one or two knowledgeable, compassionate…
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