prenatal health

3 Health Tips While Pregnant

December 7, 2011

  Being pregnant a second time gives me a whole new appreciation for the amazing uniqueness of each child, and how that individuality begins in the womb. Our little daughter who is almost 22 weeks old in there is feisty, with so much movement already! And I’m discovering that I have to rest more frequently with her than when I was pregnant with little SuperBoy, despite the same amount of nausea each time. Here are few health tips to avoid bringing on nausea or fatigue. 1) Cleaning agents & environmental factors. It is highly recommended by all the experts that you avoid skin contact, or inhalation of, certain toxic chemical compounds and cleaners during pregnancy. And I would avoid contact with most of these in general, but swear them off all together while pregnant as even the best latex gloves aren’t perfect. Baking soda works really really well. Lead, Mercury, Pesticides, Solvents, Air Polution, BPA, and more here at March of Dimes website. 2) Over-activity. My sister guest wrote a pregnancy fitness post here. Health care professionals recommend maintaining a moderate amount of exercise during pregnancy. This is not the time to train for a marathon, or suddenly diet & do yoga to get in shape. If you can’t hold a normal conversation while working out when pregnant, you’re working out too hard. Definitely move your body, especially in some aerobic way, but try to keep your heart rate not too high and your internal temp not too high as…

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