loving baseball

7Qts on Getting Done What Needs to Get Done

August 7, 2014

Joining Jen & her crew for the 7 Quick Takes over at Conversion Diary. — 1 — I’m just getting done what needs to get done. That’s my dad’s favorite phrase. That and, “pull my finger.” And maybe a few other dadisms we have chronicled through the years. He’s absolutely the funniest person in the world, hand’s down. {Sorry, Jim Gaffigan–I did just read your book and LOVED it, but my dad is funnier.} My dad’s a doer. He comes from a family of doers. A cousin’s fiancé jokingly refers to my aunt and my dad and all their siblings as “human doings” instead of human beings. My dad’s faithful thought is, I just get done what needs to get done. He never complains about doing work in the yard around our house, indeed he cannot be pulled away from it with threats and screams. He never complains after a really long day at the hospital, followed by someone waking him up in the middle of the night asking about their medication, preceded by being on-call and popping by the hospital after mass but before vespers on a Sunday. The man never complains. He just does things, with joy or with disgruntlement–who knows?–and is my example on getting done what needs to get done. — 2 — Case in point, I’m still on a high from a weekend with awesome ladies, inspirational thoughts, sleep {who knew what that was?}, food prepared by someone else AND cleaned up by them, and a little peace…

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