give me your recipes

Meal Planning is My DOWNFALL {i suck at it} {{help me}}

October 21, 2014

You’d think I’ve got it down. Meal planning. Simple enough, right? You write down what you’re going to eat. Then you write down your shopping list. Then you buy the ingredients and make the dammm food. Simple but oh-so-elusive. I’ve tried for years to be consistent about it. Often in a frantic panic Sunday nights (that, and staring down a huge pile of white dress shirts that firmly require ironing out their set wrinkles for AA’s work). I’ll scream to my husband I DON’T KNOW WHAT WE’RE GOING TO EAT THIS WEEK??!!! Of course, I could pay for a meal plan to have all this sent to me. I tried that. Of course, I could just defrost some meat every night so there was something to eat the next day. I tried that. Of course, I could order a lot of takeout + organic frozen pizza. Yup. Guess who’s done that. But what I’d like to do is a meal planning link up. Saturdays. If you don’t have a blog, no problem. Just comment with your meal plan for the week with either the link to the recipe, or if you are a chef (Mary, Cynthia, Laura, I’m looking at you girls) maybe share your secret recipe with us. If you have a blog, link your post up. It will be open the whole week long. Saturday is a family day, and some people don’t waste time on the internet that day {ahem can’t pretend I don’t}. So anytime during…

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