blogging conference

Is There Room for You?

March 27, 2017

I had the distinct privilege of being asked to speak at the Catholic Women’s Blogging Network // Twin Cities this past weekend. My talk was on branding and social media and monetizing. But the true kernel of my talk answered this question: is there room for you? Another blogger? Another creative? Another woman looking to be known and to feel connected? The answer was and is always; yes. Yes, there’s room at the cool kids’ table for another blogger or maker. Yes, the whole blogging world should feel like the cool kids’ table. Those distinctions aren’t found in our network. We are all cool. We all have something distinct to offer. There is audience enough for all our voices. This doesn’t mean we don’t need to hone our craft! Room for improvement abounds over here on this lil blog of mine. It’s humbling to look around at how much better and smarter many of my blogging sisters are hustling. It’s a good kind of humbling because it inspires me to put more energies here. But when women who attended the conference asked if the world really needed their voice? Yes. The answer is always yes. Yes because I want to learn from them. I want to hear their peaks and valleys on this life journey. I want to be a reflection of God’s love for them. We do this sharing online thing for lots of reasons. Sometimes I share because I am insecure about my experience and hasten to find…

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