bacon avocado cheese toast
It’s been a spring break from nature school so we’ve been out at the Lodge (#wholeparentinglodge on instagram), living it up with lots of daily dairy (the property is situated in a dairy valley, so, appropriate), me sewing during naps, and hiking while carrying the toddler who is certain he can walk safely in the forrest (false) more than any sane mid thirties mom wants to. My sewing for sanity project (my sanity, yes, that’s what we’re talking about) over at Whole Parenting Goods launched our summer leggings! With a new surprise accompanying them. :: headbands to match! My new summer offering! $5 and ship free with other purchases. My very reluctant model. When I’m out here with the kids, we eat lightly. Mostly things like this. pancake recipe here. bacon + avocado + colby cheese on whole wheat toast. I ATE TWO. And the few thoughts I’ve been able to string together revolve around being conscious of when I stretch to do and be for my kids and when I pause and recharge myself. Out here, it’s kinda non-stop supervising, especially when we’re outdoors, so I’m very deliberate about post-bedtime being recharge! If I don’t do the dishes, I don’t care. If I don’t pick up the toys, likewise, don’t care. My me-time is all mine! And then when I’m with them, I don’t resent the perpetual needs and interruptions. Being an at-home mom for me has been this journey of figuring out how much I can give without going…
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